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Practicing Gratitude Through Your 5 Senses

We’ve all heard the phrase “stop and smell the roses,” but how often do we actually take the time to do that? In our fast-paced lives, it can be difficult to appreciate even the simplest of things. But learning to find gratitude in small moments can help us enjoy life more fully.

Scientific research has proven that practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Studies have found that people who express gratitude on a regular basis tend to be more optimistic, experience fewer aches and pains, and even sleep better.

Additionally, those who take the time to recognize what they are thankful for report feeling less stressed and anxious than their peers without this practice.

The benefits of expressing gratitude extend beyond just improving mood; it can also lead to stronger relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues. Through recognizing all the good in life—both big and small—gratitude can help us live happier lives overall.

One easy way to do this is by using your five senses to connect with your environment in a meaningful way.

Gratitude Definition

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for the positive things in life. It is an acknowledgment of the good that exists, both within ourselves and in our external world, and is often expressed through words or deeds of kindness.

Example 5 Senses Gratitude List

Sight: the early morning light, flowers, your loved ones, a star-filled sky.

Sound: raindrops, the laughter of friends and family, the chirping of birds in the morning, your favorite music playing, or just silence

Smell: the aroma of coffee brewing, a steaming hot meal, your favorite hand lotion, an ocean breeze carrying the scent of saltwater

Taste: a hot cup of tea, a perfectly cooked meal, freshly baked paleo zucchini cake

Touch: warm hugs from loved ones, soft fabrics, the whole-body embrace of your mattress after a good night’s sleep, sun rays caressing your skin

Read on for tips on how you can use your five senses to feel more gratitude in your everyday life!

Noticing Your 5 Senses

Pause to immerse yourself in this experience…


Take some time each day to look around and notice something new or beautiful that you haven’t seen before. It could be something as simple as a flower blooming or a beautiful sunset. Make sure you really take a moment to appreciate it—the colors, the shapes, and all its details—and let yourself feel grateful for witnessing it.

Even if you don’t have the chance to witness blooming flowers or the sunset, you can find beauty in other things like the way the sunlight hits your window or how a bird is perched on a branch.


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Pay special attention to the sounds around you throughout your day. Listen for birds singing in the morning or water lapping against shorelines during an evening stroll at the park. Appreciate not only what you hear but also how it makes you feel—it could be calming, energizing, or simply joyful!

Conversely, remember to appreciate when it is silent. Whether it is the quiet of a library or the morning hours before people wake up, recognize how calming and peaceful these moments can be.


Smelling certain aromas can evoke powerful memories and emotions, so pay attention when a certain scent wafts through your day-to-day activities like cooking dinner or cleaning up around the house. Let those scents transport you back in time and allow yourself to feel grateful for those memories and moments of joy they bring you!

You can also use lotions or essential oils to allow yourself to partake in transporting sensory moments throughout the day. Find an essential oil with a scent that you like, and apply a drop to your wrist. Next, rub your wrists together, inhale, and close your eyes while focusing on the fragrance.

Chances are, when you open your eyes, you will feel different –refreshed and ready for the next moment that Life brings!


Take some time each day to touch something with intention—for example, tracing fingertips along a smooth stone from the park or feeling different textures of fabrics when folding your clothes. Pausing to immerse yourself in these tactile experiences can help create feelings of gratitude for what is present in your everyday life.


Finally, be present with the flavors of your day. Take time at least daily to simply enjoy your food without any distractions such as phones or laptops. Allow yourself to savor each bite and notice its unique flavors.

How long does it taste like your coffee brewed? Does it have the mildness of a short brew, or the intensity of a longer brew today? Noticing these daily variations brings you into the present, and keeps you conscious of each unfolding moment, rather than running on autopilot.

Doing this will make eating an enjoyable ritual rather than an unconscious habit; plus, we should always be grateful for having food!

I find that I am doubly grateful for my food because I get all of my favorite organic groceries delivered to me for free by Thrive Market! It’s such a relief to save time and energy at the grocery store by ordering online and getting groceries delivered right to my door. If you’re not a Thrive Market member yet, join today & get this cookbook for FREE with your first order!

Sensory Contrast Exercise

If you are having trouble identifying sensory experiences that bring into focus what you are grateful for, consider what it would be like if your senses were giving you a different experience.

For example, the clothes you are wearing right now may not be ultra-soft, but what if they were too tight, itchy, or wet? Notice the textures and fit of your clothing right now. In this way, you can contrast what you have and what could be, making it easier to appreciate all that is present and easier to be thankful for it.

Recognizing the absence of unpleasantness in our lives is a way to appreciate what is good about what we do have, even if it may seem like nothing special.


Our days are filled with countless opportunities if we just pause long enough to notice them. Finding gratitude through our five senses is one way we can stay present and truly appreciate life’s little miracles every single day! Taking moments throughout our days allows us reconnect with our environment while also giving us space away from our busy lifestyles; so why not give it a try? You may just find that taking the time out of your day was worth it after all!

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